Why You Don’t Want Traditional Insulation in Your RV » Bowlus Blog

Why You Don’t Want Traditional Insulation in Your RV

Why You Don’t Want Traditional Insulation in Your RV

We watched an RV tour video the other day and noticed that the manufacturer used traditional fiberglass insulation. While this type of insulation is found in the walls of most RV brands, it’s not the best option available on the market.

You’re likely familiar with traditional fiberglass insulation as it’s commonly used in home construction. It’s rated in terms of thermal resistance, or R-value. The thicker the insulation, the higher the R-value, which helps prevent heat flow in and out of a home. For example, a 6-inch thick piece of fiberglass insulation has a higher R-value and will make your home more energy efficient than a 4-inch thick piece would.

Fiberglass insulation, which includes small stands of glass, comes in rolls, also known as batts, or it can be loose and blown into a space like your walls and attic. For scenarios where the insulation needs to be able to withstand high temperatures, like around duct work, you can use a more specialized rigid fibrous fiberglass insulation.

This type of material works great for home applications, but there are two big reasons why we don’t like it for RVs. First, it loses its R-value if it gets moist. That means if you have a water leak, you might have to remove the walls and replace the insulation.

But it’s not just water leaks that are a problem. If you love a long steamy shower, you should know that even condensation can damage the fiberglass insulation in an RV. This scenario is worse than having to deal with a water leak because you won’t know if there’s anything wrong until you take the walls apart. And, of course, the most disturbing part is that where there’s water, there can be mold.

The second reason we don’t love fiberglass insulation for RVs is that the rodents think it’s a great place to call home. If you talk to any RVer who’s had an infestation, they’ll inevitably tell you that the vermin snuggled in the walls, happy as can be, nested in the fiberglass insulation.

So, what’s the alternative?

At Bowlus, we use a Polyiso foam board that, when compared to other insulation products, provides one of the highest R-values per inch. Commonly used in commercial construction, and increasingly in residential construction this product is made up of a series of uniform cells that are closed and pressed together tightly. The foam core is moisture resistant, and the tightly packed cells mean there’s simply no space for mice or rats to call home.

As an added bonus every piece of insulation is etched with an identification number, so on the off chance that you ever have to replace a piece, you can give us the ID number, and we’ll ship you exactly what you need.

No one’s made that request in the last ten years, but we like to be prepared just in case.

With a Bowlus, we take quality seriously – right down to the material insulating every RV we deliver. That means you’ll never worry about a challenging insurance claim for infestation or play host to any uninvited guests – more great reasons to own a Bowlus.